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Cleaning Implant Supported Dentures
Dallas, TX

Elderly woman enjoying her new smileAs one of the great options for restoring your oral function and health, implant supported dentures are impeccable for restoring your smile. Since they act like your natural teeth, these dentures need to be taken care of daily. Whatever issues you had before getting these dentures need to be kept at bay, so knowing the best ways of keeping your dentures clean and healthy is key. At Dallas Oral Surgery Associates, we give our patients a new lease on better oral health with implant supported dentures, while showing them the best ways to maintain longevity with usage and care.

What are Implant Supported Dentures

Implant supported dentures are a restorative solution for missing teeth. They merge the tooth root-like dental implant posts with the complete set of dentures for a functional set of artificial teeth. The dental implants are placed in your jaw to fuse and bond with your jawbone, and as soon as they are healed, the dentures are put in place right on the implant posts. The dentures are designed to snap right into place and are completely removable. With this amazing combination, your jawbone gets stimulated and retains its vigor, while you get a full set of functioning artificial teeth that feel and look like your natural teeth.

Why is it Important to Clean Your Implant Supported Dentures Daily?

Since your implant supported dentures are like your natural teeth, taking daily care of them is important to ensure their longevity and keep your oral hygiene in top shape. When you use them without cleaning them regularly, food particles can form a residual layer on your dentures. Over time, this will begin to alter the bright color and aesthetics of your denture. Moreover, since your gums are still intact, proper cleaning will help prevent possible gum disease. Bacteria can gather around the implant posts and on the gums, and regular cleaning is necessary for eliminating them. You want to ensure that your gums remain healthy so your implants can last as long too.

How to Clean Implant Supported Dentures

Since these dentures are removable, it is advisable that they are cleaned daily. Following the procedure of placing your dentures, our professionals will enlighten you with the best care practices. Generally, you will be required to use a toothbrush with soft bristles, as well as the recommended toothpaste to clean your dentures. To eliminate the chances of bacterial buildup, you should brush your gums and tongue thoroughly. Pay attention to the implant posts while cleaning your gums, as you want to ensure that they remain bacteria-free.

Schedule a Professional Cleaning

If you want your implants and dentures to stay in top shape and last a lifetime, you should schedule regular cleaning with our professionals. Our professionals will routinely examine your gums and the implant posts. These appointments will allow us to remove and clean your dentures and implants as only a professional should. The dentures would also be checked for fit, and you can report if there are complications or anything you are worried about. Regular professional cleanings ensure that your implant supported dentures last a long time, so please call 214-363-9946 to schedule your next professional cleaning with us at Dallas Oral Surgery Associates.

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Cleaning Implant Supported Dentures - Oral Surgeon Dallas, TX - Dallas Oral Surgery Associates
At Dallas Oral Surgery Associates, we can give your oral health a new lease on life with implant supported dentures, while showing you the best ways to care for them. Call today!
Dallas Oral Surgery Associates, 8315 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 225, Dallas, TX 75231 : 214-363-9946 : : 1/9/2025 : Associated Words: dental implants North Dallas :